Biodigesters: The Solution to Smelly Car Washes

No longer must you use dangerous chemicals and corrosives in an attempt to disinfect the water. This all-natural product paves a new road to environmental compliance, in a safer way than ever before. Biodigesters are dosed into the wastewater automatically, and through a natural "Step Degradation Process" the organics in the water are consumed. Naturally occurring bacteria and viruses are consumed by the over performing Biodigesters. The battle of pathogens, odor control, and oil consumption is won with Biodigesters. With over 450,000,000,000 active cells per gallon, Biodigesters provide the most highly concentrated liquid product available. Shelf life is guaranteed for one full year.
Bacteria existed on the earth long before we humans made it on the scene. They are nature's best janitors cleaning up after all of the earth's flora and fauna. For almost every known biodegradable substance on earth there is a bacterium that specializes in its breakdown. The substance to be broken down (degraded) is referred to as a substrate. Bacteria like humans are adaptable and will acclimate (adjust) themselves to almost any circumstances. This includes both food sources (substrate) and their environment.
Step Degradation
Enzymes are the bacterium's chefs; they prepare the meal for consumption by the bacteria. Enzymes are proteins that form chemical reactions that breakdown the substrate into smaller more palatable bits for the bacteria. Enzymes are so good at their job they can create up to 30 million chemical reactions per second. Here is an example of "Step Degradation": long chain hydrocarbons (oil) is first broken down into simple fats, then into simple sugars and consumed by the bacteria in Biodigesters.
Matching Enzymes to Bacteria
Bacteria produce their own enzymes but will quickly acclimate to the most readily available food source. By including the correct enzymes into our formulas the targeted substrate becomes the most readily available food source. Later, when the bacteria start producing their own enzymes, they have adapted to the proper food source and thereby produce the proper enzyme for breaking down that particular substrate. Watch out for products that say "bacteria with enzymes" by reading the fine print you will find they say "our bacteria produce enzymes". This is very misleading, all bacteria produce enzymes.
Lab Grade Purified Enzymes
The most expensive ingredient in our products. Each strain is hand selected and thoroughly checked before replication. Make no mistake, putting impure enzymes into your product creates a confused bacterium. Its like giving someone several road maps to follow and not telling them which one is to the correct destination.
The Selection Process
There are over 3,000 known bacterial strains. Our bacteria and enzymes are selected for their ability to aggressively breakdown the targeted substrate. First, we select only facultative strains that can operate in aerobic (with oxygen) or anaerobic (oxygen depleted) situations. Our bacteria are most effective in an aerobic state working 5-7 times faster. We also take into consideration other factors like resistance to; high and low pH, chemical shock and temperature. Biodigester products can tolerate a pH of 4.5 to 9.5 without dieing off, but. . .the closer to neutral pH of 7 the better. They are resistant to disinfectants like chlorine up to 150 PPM and remain active in temperature ranges of 50°-140° F. DNA matching insures that each correct strain of bacteria is used.
Grow Out and Stabilization
Once the correct bacteria are selected for a particular formula they are propagated to many, many times their numbers, then flash frozen and dried. Once put into a state of dormancy they are microencapsulated to protect them from moisture. This is a patented process. Targeted enzymes along with micro and macronutrients are added finishing off the formula.
Micro And Macronutrients
To make our bacteria start reproducing immediately upon activation key nutrients are supplied providing them instant food. These nutrients supply a well rounded diet until the enzymes provided in the formula start breaking down the substrate and serving it up to the bacteria.
Why Biodigesters Perform
Natural occurring bacteria are seldom found in high enough numbers to obtain the fast breakdown rates provided by Biodigesters. By supplying enough viable strains of bacteria with the targeted enzymes in one location, the substrate is overwhelmed and consumed quickly.
Biodigesters are so prolific they multiply by double every 15-20 minutes. If you start out with one cell in fifteen minutes you have two and so on. In 8 hours you will have 17-million and in twenty-four hours you have a 1 with one hundred and twenty six zeros behind it. Our products have a guaranteed cell count of 2.7 trillion in each pound of dry formula and 450 billion per gallon in our stabilized liquid.